Filipinos in South Korea
Showing posts with label Paradise Philippines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paradise Philippines. Show all posts

Vietnam side by side Philippines - China disputed sea Row

Vietnam signed with the PhilippinesThe Philippines and Vietnam have agreed to protect the delicate marine ecosystem in the West Philippine Sea from threats of overexploitation, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said.The DFA said the agreement was made to address illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing in accordance with...

Investment Recommendation: Bitcoin Investments

Live trading with Bitcoin through SimpleFX Trading platform would allow you to grow your $100 to $1,000 Dollars or more in just a day. Just learn how to trade and enjoy the windfall of profits. Take note, Bitcoin is more expensive than Gold now.

Where to buy Bitcoins?

For Philippine customers: You could buy Bitcoin Online at
For outside the Philippines customers  may buy Bitcoins online at