Filipinos in South Korea

To Rise $14 Billion USD "Pollution Free" Hi-tech City of New Clark, Philippines' 95 Km Sq size

Hi-tech City of New Clark, Philippines
New Clark's developers, BCDA Group and Surbana Jurong, plan to start construction in 2022. - BCDA Group

The Philippines is planning a $14 billion 'pollution-free' city that will be larger than Manhattan

Manila, the hyper-dense capital of The Philippines, is known for its traffic jams. In a 2016 survey, navigation company Waze ranked Manila as having the "worst traffic on Earth."

The city's reliance on cars also exacerbates its growing air-pollution problem.

As a possible solution to Manila's smog and gridlock, the country plans to build an entirely new, more sustainable city called New Clark.

Plans for the $14 billion development — which will be larger than Manhattan — call for drones, driverless cars, technologies that will reduce buildings' water and energy usage, a giant sports complex, and plenty of green space.

Hi-tech City of New Clark, Philippines
A rendering of New Clark, a planned city for the Philippines. BCDA Group

Hi-tech City of New Clark, Philippines
BCDA Group Source: CNBC

Over the next three decades, the Philippines aims to build out New Clark about 75 miles outside Manila.

According to the development's plan, the city will eventually stretch 36 square miles — a land area larger than Manhattan — and house up to 2 million people.

BCDA Group Source: The Inquirer

New Clark will be divided into five districts, each with a specific function: government, business, education, agriculture, and recreation.

Pollution Free
BCDA Group

While New Clark's exact design is not fleshed out, developers say the urban plan will prioritize environmental sustainability and climate resilience.

Pollution Free
BCDA Group

With a minimum elevation of 184 feet above sea level, the city will likely not see much flooding.

Hi-tech City of New Clark, Philippines
BCDA Group

To reduce carbon emissions, two-thirds of New Clark will be reserved for farmland, parks, and other green space.

Pollution Free
BCDA Group - Source: Reuters

The buildings will incorporate technologies that reduce energy and water usage.

Pollution Free
BCDA Group 

Driverless cars, running on electric energy rather than CO2-emitting gas, will roam the streets.

Hi-tech City of New Clark, Philippines
BCDA Group 

Additionally, the city will feature a giant sports stadium and an agro-industrial park.

Pollution Free
BCDA Group 

New Clark's developers, BCDA Group and Surbana Jurong, plan to start construction in 2022.

Pollution Free
BCDA Group 

A new railway line could reduce the travel time between the two cities in half.

In late May, BCDA started the bidding process for companies to design, build, finance, operate, and maintain power and water systems in New Clark City.

Pollution Free
BCDA Group 

The Philippines also struggles with economic development, and building an eco-city from scratch will come with a hefty price tag.

Pollution Free
BCDA Group 

According to Wong, public-private partnerships will help finance the project.

Pollution Free
BCDA Group 

In recent years, countries around the world — especially China — have unveiled plans for pie-in-the-sky urban developments.

Pollution Free
BCDA Group 

Building cities from scratch rarely solve existing problems, but designing them can help urban planners imagine what's possible.

Pollution Free

The fate of this project is still in the hand of the Duterte Administration as Budget is always required, though this project is feasible but priorities are also queuing.
Makisig Bayani

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