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Philippine Inventors and Scientist Decries for NO Support from the Government

Francisco Pagayon meets fellow inventors.

Filipino inventors showcase products in Quezon City shop

Filipino inventors have formed a cooperative and set up a showroom in Quezon City to put on display their best inventions and introduce them in the market.

Francisco Pagayon, president of the Filipino Inventors' Society, says the group established the Filipino Inventors' Society Producer Cooperative to serve as the business arm of the organization.

FISPC then set up a showroom at the ground floor of Delta Building at the corner of West Avenue and Quezon Avenue to put on public display many useful local inventions in a show of Filipino ingenuity and entrepreneurship.

The showroom houses various innovative products that are designed for fuel and energy conservation, environmental protection, water purification, alternative medicine, personal care and recreation.

It showcases the Filipino genius as it contains inventions on the following:

  • Police patrol weaponry
  • Car care
  • Home protection
  • Agriculture
  • Food and health supplements, and many others that could not be found elsewhere, says Pagayon.

Among these inventions are solar-powered postharvest facilities and converters, anti-car napping computerized security system, Anos firetrucks for narrow streets in major cities, fire blanket, water-fueled flashlights, green engine oil products, anti-fungal soap, organic medicine and other organic products.

Pagayon says the showroom is in response to the lack of government support and official indifference to the plight of many inventors, who have been frustrated by their inability to find a niche in the local market and obtain commercial success for their inventions.

An inventor himself, Pagayon has mass produced the multipurpose Probaton truncheon for Filipino police personnel and village watchmen.

He says the inventors grouped themselves together amid the lack of state support and indifference to Filipino inventors.

"While inventors in other countries are held in awe and respect by their governments to obtain state support and patronage, Filipino inventors have to live with the frustration for the lack of support," Pagayon says.

"They hardly enjoy state subsidy, tax or credit incentives, and patronage for their invention products," he says.

Pagayon and other inventors then opted to find ways to alleviate the plight of many inventors. His answer: entrepreneurship.

FIS, established on Oct. 14, 1943, is the oldest non-government group of Filipino inventors, researchers, technologists, scientists, industrial designers and engineers.

The group aims to generate, produce and market indigenous inventions and technologies to help attain economic progress and industrial prosperity for the country.

With report from Manila Standard Today

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