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First Supercomputer in ASEAN countries; Philippines to Use Blue Gene for Weather Forecasting & Studies

Blue Gene IBM Super Computer is one of the Fastest Computer in the World. is an IBM project that can reach operating speeds in the PFLOPS (petaFLOPS) range, with low power consumption. The project created three generations of supercomputers, Blue Gene/L, Blue Gene/P, and Blue Gene/Q. Blue Gene systems have led for several years rankings of the most powerful and most power efficient supercomputers. Photo from Wikipedia

The Philippines to Use Blue Gene Supercomputer for Weather Forecasting

By the end of 2013, the Philippines will be the first country in Southeast Asia to acquire an IBM Blue Gene Supercomputer to improve its weather forecasting system and genomics research.

"The Blue Gene supercomputer opens many doors for the country and reduces our uncertainty (in R&D). Our vision for a Smarter Philippines needs breakthrough instruments such as this, to propel us toward advancement," said Department of Science and Technology Secretary Mario G. Montejo.

Considered as one of the fastest and most powerful computers in the world, the Secretary said it will enable local scientists to perform highly technical and scientific calculations in the areas of weather and climate modeling, and genomics.

The project was formally announced last month, with the Secretary highlighting its capability to further improve the government's Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards project.

"Aside from greatly enhancing our climate change scenarios or modeling, we can make more accurate area-specific weather forecasts and extend our prediction from three days to up to seven days," he said.

In the area of genomics, the IBM Blue Gene will facilitate the analysis and management of data, and provide computational requirements for the recently established Philippine Genome Centre. The latter seeks to explore areas for genomic applications – from varietal improvement of crops, livestock, and other raw materials, to drug discovery and development of advanced, personalized medicines and diagnostic tests, among others.

Meanwhile, DOST R&D Undersecretary Dr. Amelia Guevarra, said other government agencies are also free to use the Blue Gene for their R&D efforts and activities.

Asia Pacific FutureGov

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